The PAIMI Program pursues a variety of rights protection and advocacy strategies to assist individuals with mental illness. Learn more about our services below or by downloading our brochure.
Assisting individuals with a mental illness or emotional impairment who are in the process of being transported or admitted to or residing in a facility providing care or treatment, who are living in a community setting including their own home, or who are involuntarily confined in a municipal detention facility for reasons other than serving a sentence resulting from a criminal offense, in areas of abuse, neglect, and rights violations.
A federally-funded independent program authorized to safeguard and promote the rights of individuals with mental illness in South Dakota and to investigate specific reports or suspected situations of abuse and neglect in facilities.
We are the light in the storm.
- We protect your rights.
- We advocate for appropriate services.
- We investigate abuse and neglect.
See the lists below for some examples of abuse, neglect, and rights violations.
- rape or sexual assault
- striking
- excessive force when placed in restraints
- involuntary medication
- verbal abuse
- inappropriate admission to a residential treatment facility
- inappropriate discharge planning or release from a facility
- no adequate food, clothing, or health care
- unsafe environment
Rights Violation:
- right to an individualized, written treatment plan or discharge plan
- right to contact Disability Rights South Dakota for assistance
- right to mail and phone privacy
- right to access your records and to keep them confidential
The PAIMI Program pursues a variety of rights protection and advocacy strategies to assist individuals with mental illness who meet the following case acceptance criteria:
- You must currently have a significant mental illness or emotional impairment as determined by a qualified mental health professional in the state; AND
- You are in the process of being transported or admitted to a facility providing care or treatment; OR
You currently are receiving services in a facility providing care or treatment; OR
You are involuntarily confined in a municipal detention facility for reasons other than serving a sentence for a criminal offense; OR
You live in a community setting including your own home.
If you are not eligible for case-directed services, PAIMI Program staff will provide information and referral assistance to you.
The PAIMI Program solicits public comment each year and reviews requests for assistance as the basis for staff, Advisory Council members, and the DRSD Governing Board members to establish priorities. The following areas are priorities for the PAIMI Program:
1. Case Services
- Abuse and Neglect
- Rights Violations
2. Systems Advocacy
3. Outreach and Training
4. Monitoring Mental Health Facilities and Services
PAIMI Program staff uses administrative, legal, and other appropriate remedies to resolve issues. The program also provides information and referral assistance.
Call 1-800-658-4782 or 605-224-8294.
You have a right to access DRSD as your Protection & Advocacy (P&A) System.