The Board of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR) and Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) need your assistance in identifying knowledgeable individuals who are committed to improving employment and independent living services for individuals with disabilities in South Dakota.
The BVR and SILC are both federally mandated councils that meet four times a year. Members represent a cross-section of South Dakotans from across the state. In 2020, the majority of meetings were held utilizing ZOOM which also allows access by telephone. If meetings are held in person, member expenses (e.g., mileage, per diem, lodging if needed) resulting from participating in quarterly meetings or other board/council activities are reimbursed at state rates.
We are seeking nominations for pending vacancies. Nominations received are then forwarded to the Governor for review and selection. Members are typically appointed to serve three-year terms. People with disabilities, parents or guardians of individuals with disabilities, and advocates for individuals with disabilities are encouraged to submit nominations. Representatives from organizations that provide services for individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply as well.
More information and a nomination form can be found here. Nominations are due Friday, April 2nd. Prior to submitting any nomination(s), please ask the potential nominee if they are willing and able to serve.
If you have any questions, we invite you to contact BVR/SILC staff at 1.605.494.3613 or at Thank you for your consideration of this request and any subsequent nominations you submit to us.
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