Disability Rights Blog
Sep 29

Partners in Policymaking Deadline Extended



We don’t want you to miss out on this fabulous FREE training. You are provided lodging and meals, reimbursed for mileage and portions of child/att’d care.

Applications for South Dakota Partners in Policymaking, a leadership training program for self-advocates and parents of children with disabilities, are now ready for Year 29. Partners in Policymaking provides state-of-the-art knowledge about disability issues and builds the competencies necessary to become advocates who can effectively influence system change. THIS TRAINING WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Applications are due October 10, 2020.

Disability Rights South Dakota (DRSD) is currently seeking applications from interested people who have disabilities or who are parents of children with disabilities to participate in Partners in Policymaking. Applications for Year 29 can be obtained by contacting Sandy Stocklin Hook, Disability Rights South Dakota, 2520 E. Franklin St., Ste. 2; Pierre, SD  57501 or by calling 1-800-658-4782. Applications are also available on the DRSD website at https://drsdlaw.org/partners/ or emailing sandy.hook@drsdlaw.org.

Partners in Policymaking is taking every precaution in hopes of holding these sessions face-to-face. Masks, face shields, table divider/spit shields, hand sanitizer and wipes will be provided each session. Some session speakers may present via zoom.

The training program is designed to provide information, training, and skill building so those who participate may obtain the most appropriate state-of-the-art services for themselves and others.

The training initiative is funded in parts by grants from the SD Council on Developmental Disabilities, USD Center for Disabilities at Sanford School of Medicine at USD, and SD Parent Connection.